Give us a call on 01722 442951

OSFS Quiz Night Friday 23rd March?

April Friday 6th – Good Friday Flyout Duxford

Home of the

May Bank Holiday Open Day 7th May


June Saturday 2nd – OSFS Spring Social & BBQ

Combination social event/surprise flyout/flourbombing/dawn patrol type event. To include evening BBQ and drinks.

June Sunday 17th Kemble Air Day fly in.

July Saturday 7th Olympic Airspace Briefing

A briefing on the Olympic Airspace Restrictions and Procedures. NATS have supplied a preprepared PowerPoint presentation on this subject, together with notes to be given at flying clubs and schools. If we cannot/do not get someone from NATS, Ben will give the briefing.

June Friday 20th Sheepwash (TBC) Picnic Flyout

Sheepwash is a 800m grass strip near Barnstaple Bay. Flyout to include picnic event on the strip.

August Friday 17th Carnarfon Flyout

September Friday 14th Le Touquet Flyout

October Friday 19th Isles of Scilly Flyout

November Saturday 3rd GASCo Safety Evening.

December Saturday 8th Event TBD