Give us a call on 01722 442951

We have decided to change the slot times this winter to try and makes best use of the light and weather. Therefore as of Monday 31st October we are going to trial slot times of 09:00-11:00, 11:00-12:30, 12:30-14:00 and 14:00-16:00. Therefore, if you have already made bookings in November and December please be aware your time may have changed slightly. If you have any queries, give Ops a call.

The slightly shorter slots (only 1½ hours) in the middle of the day will mean it’s important to be prompt and will reduce the time available for extended briefings, but will hopefully mean more availability overall. On good weather mornings, you can of course still arrive at the airfield at 08:30 to check out the aircraft, and if you are solo hiring and want to be off the ground at 08:30 this is not a problem. Starting lessons at 09:00 instead of 08:30  a bit more time to gain weather forecasts for the day and let the frost melt on cold mornings.

This is a trial and so we will see how well it works, please let me and/or your instructor know what you think and whether you feel it’s working or not. We are also looking to bring another AT3 back on to the fleet which is good news, details will follow when I can confirm a date.