With effect from 5th September 2009: Amendments to the Aerodrome circuit procedures will be implemented.
(New circuit diagrams will be available here and at the airfield in the next few days)
(These change the northerly circuit patterns to make them normal rectangular circuits and vary the heights at which they are flown as detailed below. They will apply at any time when Boscombe MATZ is inactive, i.e. at weekends, public holidays and most weekday evenings):
1. The GA circuit height for group A & B aircraft is raised to 1000’ AAL. The microlight circuit height is raised to 800’ AAL. (Please note, these height changes only apply to northerly circuits when the MATZ is closed. Southerly circuits remain unchanged at present).
2. The requirements to make a right turn to track 280° M when departing from runway 24 RH, and to make a left turn to track 040° M when departing from runway 06RH are removed. Thus the northerly circuits return to the standard rectangular pattern.
Circuit procedure changes – Parachuting procedures NOT in operation:
Runway 24 – Right Hand
(Because the requirement to make a right turn after take off to track 280°M before turning crosswind is removed, aircraft should climb straight ahead before turning crosswind as below):
Group A and B Aircraft are to turn crosswind at 500’ AAL and continue the climb to the new circuit height of 1000’ AAL. Microlights are to turn at 300’ AAL or short of the houses on Castle Hill whichever occurs earlier, and continue the climb to the new Microlight circuit height of 800’ AAL.
Runway 06 – Left Hand
(Because the requirement to make a left turn after take off to track 040°M before turning crosswind is removed, aircraft should climb straight ahead before turning crosswind as below):
Group A and B aircraft are to turn crosswind at 500’ AAL and continue the climb to the new circuit height of 1000’ AAL. Microlights are to turn at 300’ AAL or short of Winterbourne Earls whichever occurs earlier, and continue the climb to the new Microlight circuit height of 800’ AAL.
Aircraft Arriving or Departing (applies to either runway):
Arriving aircraft may use standard overhead joins, or as advised by OS air/ground radio, BUT must give way to circuit traffic. Departure tracks are to be agreed with OS air/ground radio but must remain clear of Boscombe Down ATZ. Aircraft joining or leaving Old Sarum must be careful to avoid aircraft operating from Boscombe Down.
(Again please note that the above only applies when parachuting procedures are not in operation).
Circuit procedure changes – Parachuting procedures IN operation:
The notes re circuit practice above apply. Parachuting doesn’t affect circuit practice.
Aircraft departing the ATZ:
Runway 24RH
Aircraft departing the ATZ are to maintain runway heading and climb to, but NOT ABOVE 1500 feet AAL, until outside the ATZ This is to avoid conflict with those aircraft joining downwind and those passing to the west of the ATZ positioning for a downwind join. The climb to 1500’ AAL is designed to provide a 500’ vertical separation from the traffic joining at the new northerly circuit height of 1000’ AAL. The climb is restricted to 1500’ to avoid collecting a parachutist.
Runway 06 LH
Aircraft departing the ATZ are to make their initial climb into the circuit as detailed below:
(Because the requirement to make a left turn after take off to track 040°M before turning crosswind is removed, aircraft should climb straight ahead before turning crosswind as below):
Group A and B aircraft are to turn crosswind at 500’ AAL and continue the climb to the new circuit height of 1000’ AAL. Microlights are to turn at 300’ AAL or short of Winterbourne Earls whichever occurs earlier, and continue the climb to the new Microlight circuit height of 800’ AAL. Once on the downwind leg, aircraft should maintain track and climb to, but NOT ABOVE 1500 feet AAL, until outside the ATZ. This is to avoid conflict with those aircraft joining on base leg for runway 06; the climb to 1500’ AAL again designed to provide a 500’ vertical separation from the traffic joining at the new northerly circuit height of 1000’ AAL, whilst remaining well below descending parachutists.
(NB: In winds with a northerly component, Parachutists dropped from the northern side of the aerodrome cross the downwind leg of the northerly circuit about 3000 to 3500’ AAL and cross the runway about 2000’ but not below 1500’ AAL).
Aircraft Joining the ATZ
The only change from the existing procedure is the height at which aircraft should join, i.e. 1000’ AAL for the GA circuit, 800’ AAL for the microlight circuit. Pilots are reminded that it is a legal requirement for joining traffic to give way to traffic already in the circuit which, as well as aircraft practising in the circuit, includes aircraft which have joined to land and aircraft climbing out to depart the ATZ.